UASTRO & com.
The papers that will be published in MDPI international journals from Swizerland and indexed in Thomson Reuters Web of Science must be presented in conference will cost 200 Euro payed in UASTRO Society account; many papers registration in conference will receive one discount for published and indexed by MDPI (papers indexig in Q1 red zone with IF 2.592) after were presented in SLS&OPTIROB 2025 international conferences;
All other accepted papers will be published in the international jurnal of Modeling and Optimization from Singapore indexed in BDI with cost 200 Euro payed in UASTRO Society account;
Registration Fee for participation in the Technical Program
First Authors
(IACSIT, UASTRO Members) 200Euro-990 Ron
Authors (students, Ph.D) 200Euro-990 Ron
Authors (Non Members) 200Euro-990 Ron
Listeners 100Euro-495 Ron
Paper in Proceedings
without participation 200Euro-990 Ron
The conference fee includes:
Participation in the Technical Program; Conference documents - Indexing in the digital libraries including INSPEC, Engineering Village, Ei Compendex, Ebsco, ProQuest, Google Scholars;
The conference taxes is for one paper with limited pages. For each extra page must be payed 30 euro (145 Ron); for each participant in the conference, the hotel staff according the special price for all inclusive. Reserve accomodation in time because the places are limited.
Foreign authors must to pay in Euro;
Romanian authors must to pay in Ron;
The Bank Transfer Information:
Bank name: BCR SECTOR 4
Bank Adress: B-dul Unirii 63, F4 Building
sector 3, Bucharest, Romania
Bank Tel.: +0373 514 227
Fax: +0373 514 227
Name of Account: Associatia Universitara pentru Stiinta si Tehnologie din Romania
Account holder adress: Gh.Sincai nr.14, Bucharest
CIC: 16768633
CIF Code: 30686343
Cod IBAN: RO28RNCB0075167686330002
Curency: EUR
Cod IBAN: RO55RNCB0075167686330001
Curency: RON